Friday, February 15, 2013

Know Your Scriptures

I read a quote today that refers to your relationship with God throughout any given trial, “The teacher is always quiet during the test”.

The quote sounds true and reasonable and I’m sure there have been times when many people have not felt the spirit of the Lord when they were going through tough times. But what may be true of a student/teacher relationship is not always true of a Father/child relationship.

Know your scriptures.
Isaiah 58:9
Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry and He shall say, Here I am.
James 1:5
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

I don’t know about yall, but MY God is not silent. He is especially chatty during a trial because He wants me to come through it with more faith in HIM than I had previously. When I cant hear His "still small voice", its never because He isnt speaking, its always because I am too far from Him (spiritually) to hear what he is saying and I've allowed louder, much more unrighteous things to drown Him out. Change the filthy music, turn off the raunchy movies and TV shows, get away from those disrespectful friends... and you'll be able to hear Him loud and clear.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Perils of Being a Nerd

I had an intense argument today that made me need to take a shower the second I got home to scrub away this boys' stupid lies, followed by a 2hr nap to renew my mind after hearing such utter nonsense---- Marvel is better than DC?!?! BULL$*%!!!!!! You really want to base your whole argument on how perfect the X-Men are?! That entire team is an apocalypse waiting to happen: all you have to do is knock off Cyclopes' glasses and he can raze an entire freaking city, just hide Rogue's gloves and that crybaby wont be able to function on a daily basis because she cant touch anybody, and don't EVEN get me started on the mental dysfunction that is JEAN GREY! How dare you compare Bruce Wayne's years of accomplished training in every martial art, 14 languages, becoming a master biochemist, engineer, physicist, criminal detective, and all around BAD-ASS to the fact that Mr. Fantastic is a glorified STRETCHY SHELDON!!!! I need to take another nap....