Monday, May 14, 2012

Sheep Which Are Not Of This Fold

MAN I LOVE SCRIPTURE STUDY!!!! So I'm writing a letter to my cousin about the LDS faith and I'm trying to explain to him about how we believe that God is Lord over all the earth and not just the middle east. All of a sudden, the spirit makes a connection that I had never made before and gave me an awesome way to explain the gospel to my future children and any investigators by saying more than just "I FEEL this is true". I can explain it with sound reasoning. (After all, He is the God of Truth and Reason)
John 10:16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold… Those people HAD to have been people from the nation of Israel who were lead out to preserve them from destruction. Here are the biblical facts: (1). The Lord promised Abraham that “all the nations of the earth [will] be blessed” with a knowledge of the gospel through his descendants (Genesis 22:18 and Galatians 3:8-9). The promise that God gave to Abraham continued through Isaac, and then Jacob/Israel. (2). Until Jesus the Christ gave the Great Commission (Matt 28: 16-20), Israelites usually did not proselyte to other nations. So the only way that there could be other people with the knowledge of God was if they came from Israel. (3). Traditionally, the Lord does not lead His people away unless he is preserving the righteous from destruction (ex. Noah before the flood, Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, Joseph separated from his family and sold into slavery to later save his family [and all of Egypt] from the 7-year famine).
There were several occasions wherein the nation of Israel was under attack from other nations and in order to preserve the righteous, the Lord could have lead them away from the main body of Israelites before the destruction began.925 BCE- Egypt conquers Palestine; 722 BCE- Assyria Conquers Israel; 586 BCE- Babylon Conquers Judah; (Maybe 166 BCE during the Maccabean revolt- there was a TON of violence and guerilla combat but this wasn’t an occasion of the Israelites being wicked- it was a revolt to restore traditional temple practices and rid themselves of idolatry.); 66 CE- The Great Revolt against Rome
I wonder if there were other people who were lead out to other places like Australia when the Book of Mormon people were simultaneously being lead to the Americas. It’s not hard to imagine the Lord leading his people- “the daughters of [His] dispersed” to a place “beyond the rivers of Ethiopia”. I CANT WAIT to read THAT book!!!

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