Thou hast knowledge of my thoughts and my fears. How else wouldst Thou know how to comfort me and speak peace to my soul without me having to say a word? All I do is pray unto Thee in silent supplication and Thou art immediately there. I went to Syrenna’s house after institute on Tuesday and I realized that I was in a quiet sort of mood. Most of the time that mood comes when im sick or about to be sick. Suddenly fear replaced the slightly confused peace- I didn’t want to go to the hospital. I couldn’t bear to smell the chemicals or feel the drugs in my system. I feared the nightmares and the chemically induced depression that was bound to come afterwards. Thankfully, the fear was not all-consuming. I remembered Thee and knew that I was worthy of Thy spirit and Thy comfort. So I went into Syrenna’s room, closed the door, and prayed for peace. I said that I was not afraid of the hospital experience and that I feared Thee much more than I fear the hospital and I know that Thou wilt provide a way for me (as always) to come out of the hospital with my faith, mind, and hope intact. The peace came immediately- like I had been shot with a tranquilizer gun. I took a deep breath and went back into the living room and talked with Syrenna for another hour. Renna is wonderful. Thank you, Jesus, for giving her to me.
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