the nurses kept asking me if i wanted something to drink and i kept telling them no. i didnt want to have to get up to use the pot with tubes and such attached to me. gross and unsanitary, unsanitary and gross. So about 10 mins before the blood lady was done, i felt REALLY weird. Im thinking maybe i got a bad batch- like somebody was standing in the back of a dark parking lot selling their Hep-C blood for exactly 73 cents (Why 73 cents? I dunno. ask my nonsensical brain and the dirty bum who's selling blood)
so i finally went to the bathroom and thought i was going to pass out on the way there- but my mama taught me that whenever you feel sick, go sit on the toilet and it'll make you better lickettySPLIT! But the magical pot didnt work. and i walked slowly back to the room where my nurses were waiting and told them that i felt like i had stood up too fast but that the feeling wont go away. So they checked my blood pressure (which was waaaaaaaay too low) and marveled that I was able to come back from the bathroom and didnt collapse in the hallway. I say it was Jesus... and the magic pot... but mostly Jesus.
How did I NOT know about your blog all this time? I need you to blog on a daily basis to keep my spirits up. I don't care what other people say about you...I straight up think you're hilarious. I'm glad you made it back to your bed without passing out. That feeling is terrible. And thank you Jesus for the assistance.