Ok, so, admittedly, I used to be that person who needed validation from everyone and wanted male attention just for the heck of it. I flirted with guys I wasn’t interested in just so they’d do me favors like move my furniture and take me to wal-mart when I didn’t have a car. But then I grew up, got a job, started paying bills and planning for the rest of my life. I don’t have time for ppl who flirt with me just for the heck of it. If youre a naturally flirtatious person, I can usually tell- I can spot one b/c I used to BE one.
But if youre genuinely interested in me, stop wasting my time and just ask me out! Im sick of flirting with you and trying to let you know that im interested! A guy-friend told me that boys have to be absolutely sure that you wont reject them before asking you out. WELL HOW MANY DIFFERENT WAYS DO I HAVE TO FLIRT WITH YOU UNTIL YOU GET THE FRIGGIN PICTURE!
Never Mind! I don’t want a boy- I want a grown MAN. Someone who has a job and/or goes to school and/or volunteers. A man that doesn’t stand on the corner all day without a purpose to his life. Get up and DO something! I don’t want an uninteresting boy- I want a MAN who does so much with his life, he doesn’t have time to flirt with me for 6 months and then gets mad when someone else asks me out before he does.
Im a grown woman and I refuse to waste any more time on boys. If youre interested in me, then say it! I will treat you just like every other guy that I know until you tell me that youd prefer otherwise. But do it quickly before I get bored with mincing words with you and begin to ignore you completely!!
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