I would LOVE someone to correct me. Preferably someone with knowledge of Mormon doctrine, but ANYONE would be fine.
This morning, I read through one of the conference talks that I missed on Saturday afternoon and Elder Stanley G. Ellis (of the Seventy) commented on “the Lord’s way” of helping the poor:
“Even with the universally accepted desire to help the poor and needy, the Lord concurs in our goal but warns, ‘But it must needs be done in mine own way’ (D&C 104:16). Otherwise, in our efforts to help, we may actually hurt them. The Lord has taught us the need to promote self-reliance. Even if we are able to help, we should not give or provide what they can and should do for themselves. Everywhere it is tried, the world learns the evils of the dole. Truly God knows best.”
So, correct me if I’m wrong, but I'm pretty sure Elder Ellis is preaching false doctrine from the General Conference pulpit bc I don’t know of ANY scripture that gives conditions on giving to the poor. Conditions are PLACED UPON THE GIVER- if you have more than you need, you’re obliged to give the overabundance with which the Lord has blessed you to someone who needs it. Not once (to my knowledge) does it give conditions TO THE POOR or scrutinizes someone’s degree of capability before they’re eligible to receive help.
So basically, I was taught that you can be a Christian and give to the poor.... or not. Am I wrong?
Matthew 5:42—Give unto him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
The scriptures say that all a person needs to do is ASK you before you’re obliged to give. It doesn’t say “After thou hast assessed that the man who hath asked thee for thine substance is not of sound mind and body and mentally or physically incapable of helping himself, only then shalt thou give alms”
Mosiah 4:24—And again, I say unto the poor, ye who have not and yet have sufficient, that ye remain from day to day; I mean all you who deny the beggar, because ye have not; I would that ye say in your hearts that: I give not because I have not, but if I had I would give.
Meaning, if you’re also poor and don’t have enough to give away, say to yourself, “If I had it I would give”.
Not, “If I had it and deemed you to be worthy and deserving, I would give.”
I still feel bad for not giving my food to a random dude who pulled up to me in his car and told me he hadn’t eaten in two days. Why would a Mormon Elder, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy, say such things as though it were from the Lord? And from the pulpit of General Conference, no less?!?!
I’m so happy that I know the scriptures well enough to, at least, see the discrepancy and ask the question.
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